Федеральная служба войск национальной гвардии Российской Федерации








      Znak za desni rukav uniforme izrađen je u obliku trokutastog štita kestenjaste boje sa zaobljenim stranicama s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja dijeli polje štita na gornji (glava) i donji (glavni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva komada oružja položenih unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde, srebrene boje. U glavnom dijelu štita nalazi je šaka koja drži vodoravno postavljenu automatsku pušku, a iza nje je krilati mač s drškom prema gore (srebro).  Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe jedinica Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6. 

Uralski okrug Centralni okrug Centralni okrug

      The insignia for the right sleeve of the uniform is made in the form of a triangular shield of maroon color with rounded sides with an edge and a golden dividing band that divides the field of the shield into upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the upper part of the shield there are figures in the form of two weapons laid crosswise, placed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, silver color. In the main part of the shield is a hand holding a horizontally placed automatic rifle, and behind it is a winged sword with the hilt facing upwards (silver). For the insignia on the sleeves on the field uniform, the field color is olive, and the borders and characters in the shield are pistachio. The markings on the sleeves were approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard units of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018, no. 6.

Sjeverozapadni okrug 25. odred SPECNAZA-a "Merkuri" 25. odred SPECNAZA-a "Merkuri"

      Šaka s automatskom puškom simbol je posebnih jedinica i specijalnih jedinica unutarnjih snaga. U žargonu boraca to se zove “borbena jedinica” (боевая единица). "Jedinica" (единица) simbolizira sposobnost specijalnih snaga da se protiv neprijatelja bore ne samo vatrenim oružjem, već i u borbi prsa u prsa. Simbol se prvi put pojavio kasnih 1980-ih s jedinicom specijalnih snaga Vityaz. Oznaku su koristili i drugi odredi. Često je na oznakama odreda "borbenih jedinica" oznaka dopunjena još jednim simbolom specijalnih snaga unutarnjih jedinica "kestenjastom beretkom".

      A fist with a machine gun is a symbol of units and Special Forces units of the internal troops. In the slang of fighters, it is called a "combat unit" (боевая единица). The "unit" (единица) symbolizes the ability of Special Forces to fight the enemy not only with firearms, but also in hand-to-hand combat. The symbol first appeared in the late 1980s with the Vityaz Special Forces unit. Often on the chevrons of the detachments, the “combat unit” was supplemented by another symbol of the special forces of the internal troops - the “maroon beret”.

Sjeverozapadni okrug Sjeverokavkaski okrug Povolški okrug

      "Krilati mač" kao amblem SOBR-a i OMON-a pojavio se tek 2012. godine u reformi Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova. Mač s krilima simbolizira brzinu djelovanja u borbi protiv kriminalaca i terorista. Ali za razliku od znaka "borbene jedinice" unutarnjih trupa, mač nije bio jako popularan među borcima SOBR-a i OMON-a.

      The "winged sword" as the emblem of SOBR and OMON appeared only in 2012 during the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The sword with wings symbolizes the speed of action in the fight against criminals and terrorists. But unlike the "combat unit" of the internal troops, the sword was not very popular with the SOBR and OMON fighters.




      Oznaka za desni rukav je u obliku kestenasto crvenog štita sa zaobljenom gornjom stranom te zlatnim rubovima i zlatnom crtom koja dijeli štit na gornji (glava) i donji (osnovni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita se nalazi simboli određenog okruga. U donjem dijelu peterokutna fortifikacija (tvrđava) nosi okomiti buzdovan preko kojega su dijagonalno ukršteni mač, sa oštricom prema dolje i sa lijeva na desno pergament. U spoju ove tri sastavnice se nalazi okrugli, službeni pečat. Sve troje, buzdovan, mač i pergament su srebrne boje. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe postrojbi Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Sjeverozapadni okrug Uralski okrug  

      The sleeve insignia is in the form of a maroon red shield with a rounded top and gold edges and a gold line dividing the shield into upper (head) and lower (base) parts. In the upper part of the shield there are symbols of a certain district. In the lower part, the pentagonal fortification (fortress) bears a vertical mace over which are diagonally crossed swords, with the blade downwards and parchment from left to right. In the junction of these three components, there is a round, official seal. All three, mace, sword and parchment are silver. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.



Подразделения лицензионно-разрешительной работы Росгвардии


      Znak za desni rukav izrađen je u obliku trokutastog štita kestenjaste boje sa zaobljenim stranicama s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja dijeli polje štita na gornji (glava) i donji (glavni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva komada oružja položenih unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde, srebrene boje. U donjem dijelu - zlatna sjekira i mač ukršteni dijagonalno, oštricama prema gore, sa srebrnim svitkom s okruglim službenim pečatom postavljenim na njih. Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe postrojbi Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Centralni okrug Uralski okrug  

      The sleeve insignia is made in the form of a triangular maroon-colored shield with rounded sides with a border and a golden dividing strip dividing the field of the shield into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures in the form of two guns laid crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, silver. In the lower part - a golden hatchet-rynda and a sword crossed diagonally, blade up, with a silver scroll with a round official seal superimposed on them. For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.



б/ч оперативного назначения и специальных моторизованных б/ч


      Znak za desni rukav uniforme izrađen je u obliku trokutastog štita kestenjaste boje sa zaobljenim stranicama s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja dijeli polje štita na gornji (glava) i donji (glavni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva komada oružja položenih unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde, srebrene boje. U donjem dijelu je okomito postavljen srebrni mač s balčakom prema gore i dvije srebrne strijele, vršcima prema gore, ukrštene dijagonalno iza njega. Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe jedinica Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Sjeverozapadni okrug Povolški okrug Južni okrug

      The sleeve insignia is made in the form of a triangular maroon-colored shield with rounded sides, with a border and a dividing strip of golden color, dividing the field of the shield into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures in the form of two guns laid crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, silver In the lower part there is a vertically placed silvery sword with the hilt upwards and two silvery arrows, tips upwards, crossed diagonally behind it. For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.

Sibirski okrug    



      Znak za desni rukav izrađen je u obliku trokutastog crnog štita zaobljenih stranica s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja polje štita dijeli na gornji (glava) i donji (glavni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva srebrena komada oružja položene unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde. U glavnom dijelu štita nalazi se mač, postavljen okomito, s drškom prema gore, a iza njega su dva morska sidra ukrštena dijagonalno, sidrima prema dolje (elementi u glavnom dijelu štita su srebrnasti). Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi: boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe postrojbi Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.



Sjeverozapadni okrug    

      The sleeve insignia is made in the form of a triangular black shield with rounded sides with a border and a golden dividing stripe dividing the shield field into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures in the form of two guns laid crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, silver. In the main part of the shield there is a sword, placed vertically, with the hilt up, and behind it are two sea anchors crossed diagonally, paws down (the elements in the main part of the shield are silvery). For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.




Подразделения по охране важных государственных объектов и специальных грузов


      Znak na rukavu izrađen je u obliku trokutastog štita kestenjaste boje sa zaobljenim stranicama s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja dijeli polje štita na gornji (glava) i donji (glavni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva komada oružja položenih unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde, srebrene boje. U glavnom dijelu štita nalazi se okomito postavljen mač s balčakom prema gore i stiliziranom slikom atoma (elementi u glavnom dijelu štita su srebrnasti). Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe postrojbi Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Centralni okrug Uralski okrug  

      The sleeve insignia is made in the form of a triangular maroon-colored shield with rounded sides with a border and a golden dividing strip dividing the field of the shield into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures in the form of two guns laid crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, in silver. In the main part of the shield there is a sword placed vertically with the hilt up and a stylized image of an atom (elements in the main part of the shield are silvery). For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.




      Znak za desni rukav uniforme izrađen je u obliku trokutastog štita kestenjaste boje sa zaobljenim stranicama s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja dijeli polje štita na gornji (glava) i donji (glavni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva komada oružja položenih unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde, srebrene boje. U glavnom dijelu štita nalazi se okomito postavljen avionski propeler s ​​krilima koja se divergiraju od sredine prema stranama, a iza njega su dvije strelice ukrštene dijagonalno usmjerene prema gore (elementi u polju štita su boje pistacija).  Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe jedinica Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Sjeverozapadni okrug Sjeverokavkaski okrug Uralski okrug

      The sleeve insignia is made in the form of a triangular maroon-colored shield with rounded sides, with a border and a dividing strip of golden color, dividing the field of the shield into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures in the form of two guns laid crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, silver. In the main part of the shield there is a vertically placed aircraft propeller with wings diverging from the center to the sides, and behind it are two arrows crossed diagonally and directed upwards (the elements in the field of the shield are pistachio-colored). . For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.




      Znak za desni rukav uniforme izrađen je u obliku trokutastog štita kestenjaste boje sa zaobljenim stranicama s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja dijeli polje štita na gornji (glava) i donji (glavni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva komada oružja, srebrene boje položenih unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde. U glavnom dijelu štita nalazi se zlatna utvrda s pet bastiona, preko čijeg gornjeg zastora prelazi stručak srebrnog okomito postavljenog ključa, čija brada zauzima polje utvrde. Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe jedinica Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Sjevero-zapadni okrug Uralski okrug  

      The sleeve insignia is made in the form of a triangular maroon-colored shield with rounded sides, with a border and a dividing strip of golden color, dividing the field of the shield into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, silver. In the main part of the shield there is a golden bastion-fortress, the upper curtain of which is crossed by the shaft of a vertically placed silver key, the beard of which interests the field of the fortress.  . For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.


SUPPORT UNITS  JEDINICE PODRŠKE    б/ч обеспечения деятелъости


      Znak za desni rukav uniforme izrađen je u obliku trokutastog štita kestenjaste boje sa zaobljenim stranicama s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja dijeli polje štita na gornji (glava) i donji (glavni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva komada oružja položenih unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde, srebrene boje. U glavnom dijelu štita nalazi se okomito postavljen ključ s „bradom“ prema dolje i iza njega dijagonalno ukrštene dvije sjekire (elementi u glavnom dijelu štita su srebrnasti). Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe jedinica Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Sjevero-zapadni okrug Uralski okrug  

      The sleeve insignia is made in the form of a triangular maroon-colored shield with rounded sides, with a border and a dividing strip of golden color, dividing the field of the shield into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures in the form of two guns laid crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, silver. In the main part of the shield there is a key placed vertically with the beard down and two axes crossed diagonally behind it (elements in the main part of the shield are silvery). For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.




      Oznake na rukavima medicinskih vojnih postrojbi (organizacija) jedinica Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije koje su izravno podređene ravnatelju Federalne službe jedinica Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije – glavnom komandantu jedinica Nacionalne garde RF. Znak na rukavu izrađen je u obliku trokutastog kestenjastog štita zaobljenih stranica sa zlatnim rubom. U polju štita nalazi se zdjela isprepletena zmijom (elementi u polju štita su srebrnasti). Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi: boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe jedinica Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Sjevero-zapadni okrug Uralski okrug  

      Sleeve insignia of medical military units (organizations) of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, directly subordinate to the Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. The sleeve insignia is made in the form of a triangular maroon shield with rounded sides with a golden edging. A bowl intertwined with a snake is placed in the field of the shield (the elements in the field of the shield are silvery). For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.




      Oznake na rukavima vojnih jedinica veze i automatizacije Ruske Nacionalne garde po okruzima izrađene su u obliku trokutastog kestenjasto obojenog štita sa zaobljenim stranama s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja dijeli polje štita na gornji dio (glava ) i donji (glavni) dijelovi. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva oružja položena unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde, srebro. U glavnom dijelu štita nalazi se tradicionalni znak signalnih trupa zlatne boje. Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi: boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe postrojbi Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Sjevero-zapadni okrug Uralski okrug  

      The sleeve insignia of the military communications and automation units of the Russian Guard by districts are made in the form of a triangular maroon-colored shield with rounded sides with a border and a golden dividing strip dividing the field of the shield into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures in the form of two guns laid crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, in silver. In the main part of the shield is placed the historical emblem of the signal troops of golden color. For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.




      Znak na rukavu izrađen je u obliku trokutastog štita kestenjaste boje zaobljenih stranica, s rubom i razdjelnom trakom zlatne boje koja dijeli polje štita na gornji (glava) i donji (glavni) dio. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dvije puške položene unakrst, postavljene za odgovarajući okrug* Ruske garde, srebro. U glavni dio štita postavljena je srebrna lira. Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj uniformi boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe jedinica Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Sjevero-zapadni okrug    

      The sleeve insignia is made in the form of a triangular maroon-colored shield with rounded sides, with a border and a dividing strip of golden color, dividing the field of the shield into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures in the form of two guns laid crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, silver. A silver lyre is placed in the main part of the shield. For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.




      Oznake na rukavima inženjerijskih jedinica Ruske garde po okruzima za svakodnevnu uniformu izrađene su u obliku trokutastog štita kestenjaste boje sa zaobljenim stranama s rubom i zlatnom razdjelnom trakom koja dijeli polje štita na gornji dio ( glava) i donji (glavni) dijelovi. U gornjem dijelu štita nalaze se figure u obliku dva komada oružja srebrene boje položene unakrst, koji postavljaju odgovarajući okrug* Nacionalne garde RF. U glavnom dijelu štita nalazi se zlatna šestobastiona utvrda s crnim poljem, u polju utvrde - zlatna granata. Iza utvrde nalaze se dvije koso ukrštene crne sjekire sa srebrnim rubom sječenog dijela i zlatnim drškama sjekire. Za oznake na rukavima na terenskoj odori: boja polja je maslinasta, a rubovi i likovi u štitu su boje pistacija. Oznake na rukavima odobrene su Naredbom Savezne službe postrojbi Nacionalne garde Ruske Federacije od 11. 01. 2018. br. 6.

Uralski okrug    

      The sleeve insignia of the engineering units of the Russian Guard troops by districts for everyday uniforms are made in the form of a triangular maroon-colored shield with rounded sides with a border and a golden dividing strip dividing the field of the shield into the upper (head) and lower (main) parts. In the head part of the shield there are figures in the form of two guns laid crosswise, installed for the corresponding district* of the Russian Guard, silver. In the main part of the shield there is a golden six-bastion fortification with a black field, in the field of the fortification - a golden grenade. Behind the fort there are two diagonally crossed black axes with a silver edging of the chopping part and golden ax handles. For sleeve insignia on the field uniform: the color of the field is olive, and the edging and figures in the shield are pistachio. The sleeve insignia was approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2018 No. 6.


* DISTRICTS' SIMBOLS           SIMBOLI OKRUGA        Для соответствующего округа


For the respective district

Za određene okruge

Для соответствующего округа

Central District - two maces Centralni okrug - dva buzdovana Центрального округа - два шестопера
North Western District - two swords Sjeverozapadni distrikt - dva mača Северо-Западного округа - два меча
Volga District - two axes Povolški okrug - dvije sjekire Приволжского округа - два топора
South District - two sabers Južni okrug - dvije sablje Южного округа - две шашки
North Caucasian - two kniwes Sjevernokavkaški okrug - dva kindžala Северо-Кавказского округа - два кинжала

Ural District - two helebards

Uralski okrug - dvije helebarde Уральского округа - две алебарды

Siberian District - two arrows

Sibirski okrug - dvije strijele Сибирского округа - две стрелы
Eastern Ditrict - two protazans Istočni okrug - dva protazana Восточного округа - два протазана

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