Španjolske oružane snage (Fuerzas
Armadas Españolas, FFAA)
su vojne snage Kraljevine Španjolske. To je moderna vojska za zadaćom
čuvanja integriteta i suvereniteta Kraljevine. Sastoji se od Kopnene
vojske (75000 pripadnika), Mornarice (20800) te Avijacije (20300). Kralj
je vrhovni zapovjednik Oružanih snaga, sa titulom Vrhovni komandant
Oružanih naga (jefe
supremo de las fuerzas armadas).
Oružane snage su aktivni članovi NATO-a, Eurokorpusa, Borbenih grupa
Evropske Unije, a njeni pripadnici učestvuju u misijama Ujedinjenih
Naroda. |
The Spanish Armed Forces (Fuerzas Armadas Españolas, FFAA) are the
militry forces of the Kingdom of Spain. The Spanish Armed Forces are a
modern military force charged with defending the Kingdom's integrity and
sovereignty. They consist of the Army (75,000), Navy (20,800) and Air
Force (20,300). The Monarch is the Comander-in-Chief of the armed
forces, with the title jefe supremo de las fuerzas armadas (Supreme
Chief of the Armed Forces). The Armed Forces are active members of NATO,
the Eurocorps, the European Union Battlegroups as well as providing
peace keeping troops to the United Nations. |