Prvi je znak brigade izradio F. Tomičić, a ubrzo je 1993. izrađen i
novi znak, koji prikazuje glavu vuka u crveno-bijelo šahiranom štitu
ispred uzdignutog zlatnog mača, prema likovnom rješenju Z. Klanca i
M. Smolčića. Iznad je u vrpci dvoredni natpis "9. gardijska
brigada", a znak je obrubljen zlatnim pleterom u obliku heraldičkog
štita. |
puk. dr.
sc. Željko Heimer, "Hrvatski vojnik" broj 434, 11/2013. |
Authors: Z. Klanac i M. Smolčić |
Platnena oznaka za kape |
Veličina: 5 x 3,7 cm |
first emblem of the brigade was made by F. Tomičić, and soon in 1993 a
new emblem was made, depicting the head of a wolf in a red and white
checkered shield in front of a raised golden sword, according to the
artistic design of Z. Klanac and M. Smolčić. Above the ribbon is a
two-line inscription "9th Guards Brigade", and the sign is bordered with
gold braid in the shape of a heraldic shield. |
Colonel dr. sc. Željko Heimer,
"Croatian Soldier" No. 434, 11/2013 |
Author: F. Tomičić |
Author: F. Tomičić |
Znak je izrađen
u Zagrebu 1993. |
Znak je izrađen
u Zagrebu |
Veličina: 10,5 x 7,5 cm |
Veličina: 9,5 x 7,5 cm |
Deveta gardijska brigada - "Vukovi" stvorena je iz postrojbi koje su
tijekom 1991.-1992. godine borile u Lici. Bile su to 118. i 133.
brigada HV-a, a dio gardista došao je iz ostalih krajeva Hrvatske.
Brigada je službeno zaživjela
1. studenog
godine kao 6. gardijska brigada. Prvi zapovjednik bio je general -
Mirko Norac,
a njegov zamjenik Milan Čanić – Bićo.
Brigada je izvorno nosila broj 6, odnosno, bila je 6.
gardijskom brigadom. Tijekom njenog postojanja kroz postrojbu je
prošlo oko 8000 pripadnika, 56 pripadnika položilo je svoj život, a
preko 150 je ranjeno. |
Šaljivu podudarnost se primijetilo tek tjedan dana kasnije. Naime,
gardijska brigada iz Gospića je dobila isti broj, kojeg je imala i
6. lička. Tako su šale o sličnostima i istovjetnostima
Tuđmana i Tita
dobile pojačanje time što je Tuđman, pored bijele zapovjedničke odore,
Brijuna, i prije svega, time što je Zagorac i državni predsjednik, kao i
Tito, "dobio i svoju 6. ličku." Nakon tjedan dana, brigadi je dodijeljen
novi broj. |
The Ninth Guards Brigade - "Wolves" was created from units that
during 1991-1992 years fought in Lika. They were the 118th and 133rd
HV Brigades, and some of the guards came from other parts of
Croatia. The brigade officially came to life on November 1, 1992 as
the 6th Guards Brigade. The first commander was Major General Mirko
Norac, and his deputy Milan Canic - Bico. The brigade originally
wore the number 6, so it was the 6th Guards Brigade. During its
existence, about 8,000 members passed through the unit, 56 members
laid down their lives, and over 150 were wounded. |
A humorous coincidence was noticed only a week later. Namely, the
Guards Brigade from Gospić received the same number as Tito's 6th
Lika brigade. Thus, jokes about the similarities and identities of
Tudjman and Tito were reinforced by the fact that Tudjman, in
addition to the white command uniform, Brijuni islands, and above
all, by same region Zagoje and the state president, as well as Tito,
"got his 6th Lika brigade" After a week, the brigade was assigned a
new number. |
J. Bobetko,
"Sve moje bitke",
vlastita naklada, Zagreb, 1996. |
J. Bobetko, "All My Battles",
own edition, Zagreb, 1996. |
Veličina: dijametar 7,7 cm |
Veličina: 7 x 5,5 cm |
procesu preustroja OSRH, 9. gardijska brigada "Vukovi", ukomponirana
je u sastav 1. gardijske brigade "Tigrovi" koja je zajedno sa 2.
brigadom "Gromovi" i 4. brigadom "Pauci" postala dijelom
novostvorene Gardijske motorizirane brigade. Naziv i simbole Vukova
danas nosi 1. Motorizirana bojna „Vukovi“ Gardijske motorizirane
brigade. |
Croatia's's 9th Guard Brigade - named "The Wolves" - was Croatian
Army's guard brigade formed in 1992 in wake of Croatian War of
Independence. The brigade's main area of operations was region of
Lika and its headquarters were in town of Gospić. The brigade was
formed on 1 November 1992 and colonel Mirko Norac was named as its
first commander. It was created by merging of 118th and 133rd
brigade, which participated in operations on that area ever since
beginning of conflict in 1991, into a one single brigade. As part of
the 2007 reform, the brigade was incorporated in Motorized Guards
Brigade of Croatian Army. |
Prije uklapanja u 9. Gardijsku brigadu „Vukovi“ nosila je naziv 84.
gardijska bojna
HV - "Termiti". Nastala je kao elitna postrojba koju su činili već
iskusni branitelji. U njen sastav ušli su prvenstveno neki bivši
pripadnici 204. Vukovarske brigade HV-a, probrani branitelji iz 112.
Brigade HV i 7. Domobranske pukovnije HV iz Zadra, zatim neki
pripadnici drugih specijalnih postrojbi te manji dio pripadnika 4.
Gardijske brigade i jednog voda iz bojne „Rafael vitez Boban“ HOS-a.
Po zapovijedi ministra odbrane RH Gojka Šuška, 84. gardijska bojna -
"Termiti", 9. ožujka 1995. g. prelazi u ustrojbenu strukturu 9. gbr,
te preuzima naziv 2. pješačka bojna 9.gbr. |
Author: N. Karuc |
Izrađen u Zagrebu 1994. godine |
Veličina: 6 x 3,5 cm |
Before joining the 9th Guards Brigade "Wolves", it was called the
84th Guards Battalion HV - "Termites". It emerged as an elite unit
made up of already experienced defenders. It consisted primarily of
some former members of the 204th Vukovar HV Brigade, selected
veterans of the 112th HV Brigade and the 7th HV Home Guard Regiment
from Zadar, then some members of other special units and a small
part of the 4th Guards Brigade and one platoon from the battalion
"Rafael vitez Boban" of HOS. By order of the Minister of Defense of
the Republic of Croatia Gojko Šušak, the 84th Guards Battalion - "Termiti",
on March 9, 1995, passed into the organizational structure of the
9th Brigade, and took the name of the 2nd Infantry Battalion 9th
Brigade. |
"Hrvatsko vojno
znakovlje" Nakladnik: Humanitarna zaklada za djecu Hrvatske, 1999. |
"Hrvatsko ratno
znakovlje" Izdavač: Agencija za komercijalnu djelatnost, Zagreb, 1995. |